Hey guys, welcome to step two to my Money Making Guide. Remember when I mentioned in step one, my “8 Sites to Join” post that I would show you how to combine different sites together? Well here I will share a list of sites where you can submit your articles (or the content that you have written) and show you how to create an effective link wheel that will generate several different incomes.
Creating a Link Wheel
Generally a link wheel is used to bring traffic to and from different sites but you can also create an income if the content is posted in select places. The idea of a link wheel is pretty simple and straight forward. It’s made up of links that lead to specific web pages. You can take this blog post as an example to get an idea. It contains links that lead to my other blog posts and I bet you that they will contain links as well. I’ve decided to make an internal link wheel on my blog so that way all my blog posts could have a chance to be read. You might have been creating link wheels and didn’t even know it. 🙂 Okay so now that we got the brief explanation out the way. I will tell you how you can make a link wheel that will generate an income for you.
Linking Articles
Rewrite your best blog post as many times as possible. You can even gather all the articles that are related to one another and use those. For this to work out well you will need to have several identical or related articles based on one niche. You can visit my niche list in order to be provided with some ideas if need be.
The more articles you have the more streams of income you could have by posting new articles to the preferably same sites. You can also visit my “How To Get Free Content for Your Blog Or Website” post if you don’t have enough time to do all that writing. It’s important to be time efficient here, so work with what you got at first. Post what you can, rewrite and add on later. Once you have your several articles lined up you can submit each one to any one of the article sites that I’m providing you with.
Make sure that somewhere within each article there is a link to another article you have written, possibly in a related links section or somewhere within the article itself. Keep in mind that you are writing for the reader and it must make sense. You can use this blog post as an example. I know my writing skills aren’t that great so if I can do it so can you. 🙂
Article Site List
Now I will provide you guys with a list of Article sites that will pay you for having your content on their site. I suggest that you do not join them all, 3 or 4 will do. Reason being when you write new articles you can make a bit more money and also a name for yourself if you have several articles posted on one site. Plus, having several articles on one site increases your chances to reach their minimum payout quicker.
Anyway guys, here’s the list.
RedGage– You can actually import your entire blog here. You can start making money right away.
Bright Hub
Demand Studios
Here are just a few, or at least the ones I know of. Some of these do contain my referral link which means you can also get paid through referring people. 🙂
Quick Summary
Gather all your written/rewritten and related articles based on a single or related niche and submit it to these or other article sites. Make sure you link them to one another within the article or in the “related links section”.
If this is executed based on keyword research you should create a small passive income within a few months. Remember, the more articles the better. Anytime you write an article you can always repeat this process.
Well that’s it for now. Feel free to share your own thoughts on the subject in the comment section. 🙂
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