Make Your Blog Post Go Viral – In 60 Minutes or Less

So you have written an informative, unique article that has the potential to go viral. What now? You know your article contains information that anyone can benefit from but you are either unsure how to get it readers, or you are looking for another way to get it some additional traffic. Allow me to show you how you can give your unique article a boost in traffic, to rank for its keywords and increase the possibility of its going viral. Worst case scenario? You just end up ranking for its keyword and get it some extra visits.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media

After your epic article is complete and SEO tactics have been implemented, the very first thing you want to do is share it via social networks and bookmarking sites like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, and any other social network you might have an account with. After you yourself have shared your awesome article, you would want others to share it as well. You might be asking yourself, “how do you do that?” Aside from asking your friends and colleagues to share it, which you should, here are a few sites where you can do to get others to share your article.

1. Submit Your Article to ViralContentBuzz

First thing you would want to do is to visit ViralContentBuzz and sign up. Here you get credits by sharing others’ content and the credits you earn you can use for your own articles. Most of the shares you get on here will also be targeted, since they have categories. I’m sure individuals that post on there will be more comfortable sharing articles related to their own niche. As of now, ViralContentBuzz shares consist of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and StumbleUpon and I’m sure that they will utilize more social networks in the future. Also please read their terms of service before you submit an article. This will ensure that the article is approved. Basically what it states is that you should only submit good quality informative articles, as you already know you should. No spammy sales pages or mass produced articles.


  • It’s free
  • You get targeted on going shares via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and StumbleUpon, potentially more social media sites in the future

2. Post Your Article on MyBlogGuest

If you own a blog and you aren’t a member of MyBlogGuest then you are missing out. MyBlogGuest is a forum where you can get guest posts and write guest posts for others. I won’t get into what guest posts are but If someone from MyBlogGuest has written an article for you, you may start a topic in the “Social Help Needed” section and have others share that post for you. Keep in mind that only guest posts are allowed to be shared here.


  • It’s free
  • You get a backlink
  • You can get some guest posts and write a few of your own
  • You can get social shares for guest posts only

3. Submit Your Articles to JustRetweet

JustRetweet ( is a platform that allows you to get not only retweets, but also Facebook likes and Google plus 1’s. The way it works is you submit a tweet by adding your url along with a short message. Once you do that you assign credits, select how many shares you would like to get, and select which social network you would like other people to share your content with. You have 3 to choose from, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Like many other platforms you will need credits in order to get shares and you receive credits by either purchasing them or accumulating them by sharing other’s content.


  • It’s free/You can purchase credits
  • You can get targeted shares
  • You can receive targeted traffic
  • There is some good reading material

4. Get Followers and Shares From YouLikeHits

The YouLikeHits ( site is a little bit different. You are not really limited to just sharing your articles. With this site you can get Twitter, StumbleUpon, and Pinterest followers amongst other social networks. You can also get YouTube likes, views and subs, Tweets, favorites, reTweets and much more. The way it works is pretty much the same as JustRetweet and ViralContentBuzz; You get points for shares, visits, and follows. The only drawback is that the shares you receive in most cases will not be targeted but you still increase your Klout score.


  • It’s free/You can purchase credits
  • You can get followers on several different social networks
  • You can get shares via several different social networks
  • They have a referral program that earns you points for sign ups via your link

5. Get Followers and Shares from FollowLike

Here is another great tool you can use in order to receive follows, likes and shares via many social networks. This site is called FollowLike (, and it is quite similar to YouLikeHits but with this site you will have more social networks to utilize such as Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr and a few others. Not much here will be targeted but you can still get obvious use out of it. Same credit/point system is present as with the other sites and it works the same way. You can either earn credits by doing certain things such as sharing, visiting and following, or you can purchase credits. It’s really inexpensive as well. $3.00 can get you 2000 coins (as they call their currency) with a max of 30 coins per share or follow.


  • It’s free/you can purchase credits
  • You can get follows and shares on many social networks
  • They have a referral program where you can choose to get coins, or money per active user

With the amount of social shares you can get from those sites you can rank for your keywords rather quickly, in addition to getting you targeted ongoing traffic from some of them. This will most definitely increase your Klout score and if your articles are good enough, perhaps even your blog subscribers.

Summary-How to Make Your Blog Post Go Viral

So how exactly do you make your blog post go viral with these sites? In order to get a massive number of traffic and shares I recommend you sign up for all the sites mentioned above and become familiar with them by accumulating credits first. Once you have enough credits then you should submit your best articles. Chances are that if all these are new to you then you will see a drastic change.

I really don’t have to tell you what kind of results you will see since this post speaks for itself. What I’m suggesting to you here is exactly what I used on this very post.

Even if you choose to submit one article at a time, the entire process from sign up to shares should take less than one hour. A lot of these sites give you credits for just signing up. You could simply register and submit one article and see what it does. After you have enough shares for that article, you can move on to your next epic article and repeat the process. After you have submitted several of them, you can simply sit back and watch them go viral all with only a few hours’ work.

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About Bernard Zarifovic

I'm a young entrepreneur currently living in Atlanta, Ga. The reason I created this blog is to share my personal experiences in making money online. I have an analytical mind by nature which helps me to come up with strategies and has drawn me to business and marketing. My entrepreneur mindset allows me to be fearless in trying new things and acting on my ideas. I prefer to have things planned ahead and thought out before diving into them which I believe is the reason why my ideas have mostly worked out. Some ideas did not work out and were not profitable, but I do not regret my failures as I look at them as learning experiences and humbly accept them. To learn more about me, please read my personal story.